Just Comments!

This page is just for commenting on the blog. Tips, suggestions or anything else you want to say.


  1. i read the post on Nechemia Gotlieb (that somewhere else he was accused for beating his students) and it is the hypocrits in its best: the one who fight for Tohar Hamachane is helping encouraging and hosting his friend from israel that his own children complain in the police against him for things regarding Tohar Hamachane....

  2. Thank you for writing this blog, and informing me and others of so much. You definitely get slack for this, but I think it is amazing that you are doing what you know is right, and being emesdig. If only there were more leaders and rabbeim like you.
    Hatzlacha in all the wonderful things you do!

  3. This week’s parasha (15:14), the mitzvah of ha’anaka to a freed eved ivri.


  4. I just tripped over your blog for the first time, and in light of what you have written about the Internet in general and the Asifa in particular you should take a look at these two pieces from http://emunahspeak.blogspot.com/:



    Continued Hatzlacha,

    Meir Zev Mark


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